Ivan Malopinsky


Promoting Metadash

Metadash has seen a lot of work lately, most of which is behind the scenes. Lots of polish, new (expensive) .com domain, and everything else necessary for a proper public release. Now my focus is on marketing the product so far and getting useful feedback from early users.

Improving Vibecal

Vibecal has also been improving lately. It now uses a LLM (Anthropic’s Clause 3 Haiku) under the hood to classify events, useful during New York Tech Week 2024 which featured over 600 events. A bit more automation, a few more interface tweaks, and Vibecal will be ready to expand beyond just startup events in NYC.

Personal projects

I’ve been meaning to get to a bunch of personal projects for a while now. This site has finally started receiving some updates, and there are more open source and experimental projects that just need to be published. I’d like to write more as well, though it’s hard to find time these days. Since this is a special year (10 years in NYC, etc.) I want to push out all the stuff that’s piled up and start the next year with a clean slate.

(This is a now page.)